ParaPara - the style of dance that ParaParaParadise is based off of, notable for it's primary use of arm movement.
ParaParaParadise - the arcade game!
Paralist - a fan of and/or someone who dances ParaPara!
Cab - a shortened form of 'arcade cabinet'. The cabinet often refers to the main unit that houses the screen, inner computer, and coin slot.
Stage - sometimes 'dance stage' or similar, the stage is the part of a rhythm arcade game that you stand on to play the game. The stage is sometimes also being referred to when the cab is mentioned - it depends on context.
Chart - a chart is the pattern of arrows that the player follows during a song. Each song has it's own chart, and sometimes the charts are edited across mixes, or 'recharted'.
Mix - a mix is a release of a dance game cabinet. For example, while ParaParaParadise V1.1 is an update of ParaParaParadise 1st Mix, ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix is a complete sequel.
Combo - a combo is the amount of arrows hit successfully, consectutively; so hitting every arrow in a song perfectly would equate to a 'Full Combo', which is often the ultimate goal for rhythm game players.
Simfile - a simfile is a folder for either a fan-made or official song in rhythm games. It includes the song itself (usually .mp3 or .ogg), a file with the metadata and chart information, the cover image for the menu select, and sometimes a background video to play during the level.
Bemani - the division of the video game company Konami that creates popular arcade rhythm games like DanceDanceRevolution, Beatmania, Pop'n Music, Dance Evolution, Jubeat, and of course, ParaParaParadise!
Beatmania - the first rhythm game released under Bemani, where the player takes on the role of a DJ and uses a turntable and keys to play and mix to the music.
DanceDanceRevolution - the most popular rhythm game released by Bemani, which saw widespread success both in Japan and in western countries. Often abbreviated to DDR, it's played on a stage, with four buttons that are hit by the player's feet to the music.