TROUT!! Hi everyone ^_^)/ !!! I'm your dutiful webmaster, TROUT?!
It's actually kind of difficult to figure out what to say about me - it's pretty easy to infer. I like rhythm games; I like old tech; I'm the number 1 jolly guy you'll ever meet!
If anything, I'm proud of how far I've come in my rhythm game journey since I made the original TROUTSITE! I've met quite a few cool people, I've had the chance to try out a ton more fun games, and - most importantly - I've learned so much more!
TROUT?! the mascot came about from the original username I chose on Project Flower, and it just stuck! We're extensions of each other - he plays rhythm games when I can't, and I live an everyday life where he doesn't have to! You might've seen some art I've drawn of him floating around the TROUTSITE and The ParaParaParadise... but here is a lovely drawing of him I commissioned from @MARIT0SHI on twt a while ago !

Other Rhythm Games I Play:
In the Groove - ITG
Pump it Up - PIU
Sound Voltex - it knows who it is ...
BEATMANIA I & III - (badly)
ParaParaParadise - though the trek to Bristol is a tough one!
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - mostly on PSP or PC!
Project Sekai Colourful Stage ft. Hatsune Miku - somehow both against my will and not as much as i'd like to...
Neon Genesis Evangelion 3nd Impact - the best Evangelion game!