how to get old java games working for your motorola razr, which you are definitely using today!

NOTE! this text is from a very old blogpost from a very old personal blog of mine, but it's still important information (and can be used to play the DDR java game!) so I believe it more than deserves a spot here! and don't forget you can click images to enlarge!

alright, picture this! you've just bought/been gifted/found an older phone - say, the motorola razr v3 - which, it just so happens, can run java applications! but you're sick of the old stock stuff (of course you are), you wanna see your options.

what you'll need:

  • a mini usb transfer cable. a lot of these phones have ancient bluetooth link hardware, but with a cable you don't have to worry about any of that!
  • a mini sd. the razr v3 was actually pretty ahead of it's time for supporting mini sd, i'd say - but either way, you'll want an external memory device. this is what you'll access using the cable. these phones on their own aren't known for their huge storage capacity - but it doesn't really matter, because most games are kilobytes large. i had best luck with a 54mb mini sd.
  • the files~ of course! it's best if you go into it knowing what you wanna grab.

    1. with the sd card inserted into it, plug your phone into your pc. if you haven't already, on your phone go into settings > connectivity > usb settings (or the like) and make sure the default connection is set to memory card, instead of data fax or whatever.
    2. your sd card should have a "kjava" folder when accessed from your pc. drag and drop your .jar files into it! (.jav files can also be found, but i've only ever had luck with .jar)
    3. disconnect your phone.
    4. navigate to your phone's games center, enter options and click switch storage device > card. "[install new]" should appear, so click on it and select your games .jar file when prompted!
    5. the game will take a minute to install, and then you can plug your phone back in and delete the old .jar file if you want! enjoy your new applications and games!!!!

    step 1. how to check connectivity settings:
    step 4: how to switch storage devices:

    some stuff to note:

    always try to be as sure as you can that your software's coming from a reputable source!
    the screen sizing of a game can be an important factor to note - make sure not to install a file that notes having a larger screen sizing. you don't want it to look jank, or possibly not work.
    share this page with your friends! with people who have java-capable phones, and people who don't! i'm not hosting this info here to keep it all to myself, it's here to be easily accessible so nobody else has to slog through '06 forums like i did. if anything's unclear or you'd like more info, feel free to e-mail me!
    and most of all, have fun with your new java games !