Zenius-I-Vanisher.com (ZIV)
The #1 Ad-Free Music Gaming News site! Includes a forum, simfile repo, and an extremely useful user-edited arcade finder.
FreePlayCity - Facebook & ZIV
An arcade in northeast London which carries most games of current interest (DDR, PIU, SDVX, jubeat, etc) as well as some interesting items (Stepmania, EZ2Dancer, and more)
Funland - Facebook & ZIV
Two DDR white cabs and an X2 cab upstairs, but don't forget to check out the downstairs! I did my first few times ^_^;; Has systems on the Ganymede server instead of Flower.
Playback Arcade - ZIV
Home of the elusive british ParaParaParadise cabinet, as well as other rare games such as Pop'n Stage, Dance Evolution, and an EZ2AC cab.
Arcade Club Bury & Leeds - Website & ZIV (Bury) (Leeds)
Both vetted by me. For northern-based (and midlands-based) these are a set of two decently stocked arcades for rhythm game players. Suitable for a day trip for more isolated players, as me and my friends often took trips there to get our fix while living in the midlands.
Retro Computer Museum - Website & Facebook
The webmaster, TROUT?!, is affiliated with the Retro Computer Museum in Leicester! While not carrying any rhythm arcade cabinets, they do have a reasonable selection of console rhythm games if you ask (like Taiko, Beatmania, DDR, and ITG)